Thursday, August 6, 2009


The sweetest thing happened to me today...but its greatness extends over weeks of time:

About a month ago, Craig and I were at a Royals game (which was almost assuredly a Royals win) when Brayan Pena hit a foul ball towards us. I corraled that ball and was real happy. Well, whenever there is a foulball, the ushers have to fill out an incident report--for safety reasons i guess...who knows. Anyway, this old lady usher came down to make sure we were ok and she began filling out her incident card. Usually they only fill out what section the ball was hit to and what time...but I saw there was a place for a name and address and more. So I asked her if I could fill out the whole thing--I wanted the Royals to forever have my name on file. She laughed a cute old lady laugh and said sure.

As she was looking over my information, she noticed that she delivers papers to my house as another side job that she has with the Kansas City Star. So I asked her a legitimate question: I said, "next time you deliver a paper to my house, can you wrap a Royals tshirt in there?" She said she would try and I never expected it to happen.

Yesterday--weeeeeks after our first encounter went down, the old lady (I wish I could remember her name!) showed up on my doorstep, holding two Royals shirts-the ringer tee one
and the retro one! She asked me which one I wanted and gave me the retro one because I didn't have that one. And then she left. I had a Royals shirt delivered right to my door. What a nice old

I am the luckiest...

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